I often think of Christmas as the time to pray and ponder about how to give birth to a revolution, and how to nurture one, once it has been born.
The birth of Christ was a revolution of love. We are ready for another one, as we are each year at this time, and this year calls on us in so many ways. For me, in particular I want a revolution in how we love and respect the quiet life of the land--which we all depend on in so many hidden and obvious ways, for abundant clean water in particular--but also for our food, health, protection from flood, drought, heatwaves, wildfires; for our economies and for peace and safe havens on every continent. Our misunderstandings about the holy power of photosynthesis, transpiration, and the work of microbes, pollinators, and grazing animals have toppled many a civilization as their living soils fail, and fail to provide all the gifts that God offers us freely. I expect us to learn to work together with people who are different than we are to allow these gifts to flourish again. We know how to do it. An audacious goal can unify people in unexpected ways. Rehydrate California, Oklahoma, Mexico, Alberta, Africa, and Syria, anyone? Who will join me in my audacious goal?
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Didi Pershouse's